jueves, 8 de octubre de 2015

Ulysses S Grant Facts

* Ulysses S. Grant was born on April 27, 1822 at Point Pleasant, Ohio. Point Pleasant is a neighborhood east of Cincinnati on the Ohio River. Grant's father Jesse, was a tanner.

* Although Grant arrived at West Point he discovered his appointment was in the name of Ulysses S. Grant. Grant's parents known as him Hiram Ulysses Grant. Grant by no means bothered to modify the clerical error and was recognized as Ulysses S. Grant. In the course of the Civil War, Grant was offered the nickname "Unconditional Surrender Grant" right after Confederate Simon Boliver Buckner surrendered Fort Donelson to him. Grant was too typically referred to as Sam Grant.

* Even though a cadet at West Point, Ulysses S. Grant was recognized as an exceptional horseman. Grant did not stand out as possessing exceptional talents in something else Although at West Point.

* Ulysses S. Grant wanted a commission in the cavalry While he completed at West Point. As an alternative, Grant wound up in the infantry mainly because the cavalry had no vacancies. Grant was a horseman, and this assignment to the infantry ought to had been a disappointment for him.

* Ulysses S. Grant served with generals Zachary Taylor and Winfield Scott Throughout the Mexican War.

* Just after the Mexican War, Ulysses S. Grant was stationed in California. He was devoid of his wife and young children, and pretty bored. Grant took to excessive drinking. He resigned his commission in 1854 and his resignation was accepted by the United States Secretary of War. The Secretary of War accepting Grant's resignation from the United States Army was Jefferson Davis. Davis was the future president of the Confederate States of America.

* Grant's favored horse Through the Civil War was Cincinnati. An admirer gave Cincinnati to Grant right after the battle of Chattanooga. Cincinnati was seldom ridden by any one other than Grant. One notable exception getting President Abraham Lincoln, Even though Lincoln final visited City Point, Virginia to meet with Grant.

* Other horses Grant had in the Civil War have been; Jack, Fox, and Kangaroo. Kangaroo was left on the Shiloh battlefield by the Confederates. This horse was described as ugly and raw-boned. Grant having said that, getting an eye for horses, knew Kangaroo was a thoroughbred. Soon after getting a Yankee horse, Kangaroo got rest and care and he became a fine horse.

* Ely Samuel Parker was a Seneca Indian, a son of a well-known Seneca chief, and too a Union officer. He initial studied law but was refused admission to the bar simply because he was not a citizen. Parker graduated from Rensselaer as an engineer. In 1857, Ely Parker was operating in Galena, Illinois exactly where he became a buddy of a shop clerk known as Sam Grant. Sam Grant, was Ulysses S. Grant and In the course of the Civil War Ely Parker became General Ulysses S. Grant's military secretary. Ely Parker's penmanship was exceptional. Though Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Court Home, Ely Parker transcribed the official copies of the surrender documents.

* Ulysses S. Grant never ever swore. His explanation for this:

Properly, somehow or yet another, I never ever discovered to swear, Although a boy I seemed to have an aversion to it, and Even though I became a man I saw the folly of it. I have often noticed, too, that swearing assists to rouse a man's anger; and Even though a man flies into a passion his adversary who keeps cool constantly gets the greater of him. In reality, I could by no means see the use of swearing. I consider it really is the case with a lot of men and women who swear excessively that it's mere habit, and that they do not mean to be profane; but, to say the least, it really is a great waste of time.
* On April 14, 1865 Abraham Lincoln's day was spent going to with callers and attending a Cabinet meeting which incorporated General Grant. Lincoln explained to General Grant that he was getting a recurring dream about a ship "moving with great rapidity toward a dark and indefinite shore." Now that the Civil War was over, subjects of discussion For the duration of the Cabinet meeting integrated the challenges of reconstruction, and the remedy of Confederate leaders. That evening, the Lincolns planned to see a play at Ford's Theater referred to as "Our American Cousin." Lincoln invited Grant and his wife Julia, to attend the play, but Grant declined the president's invitation. Although enjoying the play at Ford's Theater Lincoln was shot by assassin John Wilkes Booth.

* Just after the Civil War, Ulysses S. Grant became an author, Secretary of War beneath President Johnson, and in 1868 became President of the United States. Grant served two terms as president.

* Ulysses S. Grant completed his two-volume autobiography, Private Memoirs of U. S. Grant, only days ahead of he died of throat cancer in 1885. Grant's memoirs have been published by Mark Twain's firm and 300,000 copies had been sold. These sales earned $450,000 for Grant's widow, Julia. Grant's autobiography is believed to be one of the most effective autobiographies written in the English language.

I am Jonathan R. Allen and I had been blogging about American Civil War history and stories mainly because 2005. The history and lessons of the Civil War are often vital to know and study about. There is anything about America's Civil War that captures and holds our interest and imagination, it really is an incredible story. To find out much more about the Civil War, please quit by my Find out Civil War History blog: http://www.learncivilwarhistory.com.

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