miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2015

Darius the Great - Great Persian Ruler, Administrator, Lawgiver and Architect

Darius I of Persia (548-486 BC), typically recognized as Darius the Excellent, was 1 of the greatest kings of Persia (contemporary day Iran) and 1 of the Excellent kings that ruled Persia in the Achaemenid Empire, also recognized as the Persian Empire (c. 550-330 BC).

He ascended the throne in 521 BC, getting killed the prior king, Gaumata the Magian, who he regarded as an usurper. Darius' version of these events could nonetheless be study in the monumental Behistun Inscription, close to the city of Kermanshah in western Iran.

Darius ruled the Persian Empire at its peak, when it extended from the Indus River (contemporary day Pakistan) via Central and Southwest Asia to Egypt and element of Europe. He faced down several revolts all through the Empire such such a revolt by the Babylonians. He additional extended the Empire by conquering the Scythians, Thrace and Macedon.

The Ionian Revolt (499-498) - and related revolts in Aeolis, Caria, Cyrus, and Doris - rose against the Persian Empire.

Darius sent two punitive expeditions against the Athenians to punish them for supporting the Ionian Revolt but these, unusually, had been defeated: the very first via the wreck of the Persian naval fleet in a storm off Mt Athos (492) and the second ending a military disaster at the Battle of Marathon (490).

The Athenians had also wrought destruction in Persia in the course of the Ionian Revolt - for instance, they destroyed Sardis, political capital of the western province of the Persian Empire.

According to the ancient Greek historian, Herodotus, Darius vowed in no way to neglect the destruction of Sardis. In his Histories (Book 5: 105), Herodotus relates the following: "And he [Darius] commanded a single of his servants to repeat to him the words, 'Master, recall the Athenians', 3 instances anytime he sat down to dinner."

Darius' conquests had been noted for the humane way in which he treated the peoples he conquered.

Darius reformed the administration and finances of the Persian Empire. He divided his empire into 20 administrative provinces named "satrapies", every single 1 ruled by a "satrap" (governor). He watched over his Empire's revenues with an eagle eye: for instance, every single satrap had a secretary who watched the actions of the satrap and reported back straight to Darius.

He levied a new annual tax and brought in a new standardized currency. He encouraged commerce - for instance, by creating roads and canals, by constructing a highly effective navy, and by sending out expeditions of exploration.

Darius was recognized as a Wonderful lawgiver, who was extreme but fair, and he standardized the laws across the complete of the Persian Empire. Even foreigners known his Fantastic qualities as a lawgiver. In the Bible (Daniel 6:8), is written: "the law of the Medes and Persians which alters not". Darius made a codification of laws for Egypt.

Darius the Fantastic was a follower of the Zoroastrian god, Ahura Mazda, and beneath Darius Zoroastrianism became the state religion. But in religious matters Darius was, unusually for his time, noted for his religious tolerance.

Darius the Fantastic was a Good architect. He constructed Susa, a attractive new capital city (positioned close to Shustar, in contemporary day Iran). He also constructed the terrace and the Excellent palaces of the magnificent city of Persepolis (518-516), the Persian Empire's ceremonial capital whose ruins nonetheless amaze contemporary guests (in 1979 UNESCO declared the citadel of Persepolis a Planet Heritage Web-site)..

For additional facts on Darius the Good, study the short article at http://www.1902encyclopedia.com/D/DAR/darius-i-the-Good.html

David Paul Wagner writes on history, politics and existing affairs.

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